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Stay Informed, Stay Ahead

Research and consulting services to help you outmaneuver the competition


Competitive Insights Beyond the Surface


Build Your Competitive Awareness

Know every move your competitors make and the "so what" implications

Image by Solen Feyissa


Improve How You Compete

Navigate your competitive opportunities with winning narratives and positioning

Business Meeting


Gain a Deeper Competitor View

Discussions with market participants fill gaps in competitor knowledge

Video Call


Better Understand Your Competition

Actionable competitive intelligence that drives smarter business decisions

Analyzing the data


Develop Winning Competitive Strategies

Understand competitive dynamics and differentiate yourself in the market

Business Team


Engage Teams in Your Competitive Strategy

Co-creation to strengthen competitor insights and increase stakeholder buy-in

Image by Jo Szczepanska

Meet, Compete, Repeat

A kickoff workshop and regular check ins keep us aligned to your business & objectives and give you an opportunity to influence templates, frameworks, formats, and timelines. Our services are tailored to your needs using the intelligence sources below​

Image by Carlos Muza


A combination of free and paid information resources are used to gather any available information on your competition, setting the foundation for your insights

Business Interview


Conversational style interviews are conducted with current or recent employees of your competition, industry experts, or thought leaders to provide deeper insights

Smiling Businessman


Your company shares existing information - actual data or tribal knowledge - to strengthen competitive insights. Interviews can also be conducted with your employees



Your Trusted Competitive Partner

Time to Value

Forget resource-intensive implementations or change management initiatives. Our turnkey services are ready for immediate use, custom-designed, and presented in a format that fits with your people, platforms, and processes

Better Decision-Making

Stop with the guesswork. Our services synthesize secondary, primary, and internal intelligence, providing you with the complete picture, deeper insights, and "so what" implications to help you take action and improve outcomes

Strategic Focus

No more time spent on repetitive research tasks or reacting to fire drill requests. Our continuous services ensure you always have the latest insights at hand, freeing you up to focus on value-add activities that help to grow your business


Experience Matters

With 15+ years of competitive intelligence experience ​in both consultant and practitioner roles, we have expertise on both sides of the table and the ability to deliver the competitive reporting you need to succeed. 


We have lived the pains of managing CI programs first-hand. Off-the-shelf profiles and landscape reports are too generic and expensive. Battlecards are time-consuming to build and difficult to maintain. CI SaaS solutions have user limits, restrictive formats, and enable rather than deliver actionable intelligence. Not to mention, many organizations suffer from tool fatigue.


At RIVL, we offer turnkey competitive services that are tailored to your scope, format, and brand. We serve as an extension of your team to help you better understand and compete against your rivals with insightful and compelling analysis. We handle your competition, and you focus on growing your business!



Let’s Connect

200 Stinson Street, Hamilton, ON, L8N4J5

Tel: 647-224-6793

  • LinkedIn

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